500 Series Modulation Mic Preamp


Experience unmatched clarity with the J.A.K. AUDIO EL MAR preamp, featuring Class A topology. Perfect for Condenser, Ribbon, and Dynamic microphones, its balanced input ensures transparent recordings every time. The dedicated DI input enhances your instrument's sound, while the HPF filter lets you shape your perfect tone. Bring your recordings to the next level with J.A.K. AUDIO EL MAR.

THE VCA THAT REDEFINES RECORDING. Want the power of a classic FET, valve, or optical compressor? Or the magic of vintage EQ, tape compression, delay, or reverb? NOW YOU CAN!!! With its innovative sidechain input, the VCA seamlessly integrates with your DAW, translating your plugin tweaks into dynamic volume changes in real-time, allowing the preamp to Record with the dynamics or frequency response of your DAW plugins.
This isn't just a tool; it's a revolution in recording. Change the game forever!


The quality of a Great value Mic preamp.


J.A.K. AUDIO EL MAR is a Mic Preamp with hybrid class A input topology, a supermatched pair of transistors, and operational amplifiers to linearize the gain, up to 55db. It has 48v phantom power, phase switch, 20db Pad, switch for the instrument input, switch for the 12db/oct high-pass filter, and finally a switch to activate the VCA sidechain inputs. Works well with Condenser, Ribbon and Dynamic microphones.

We tested it in the MEDUSA studios in Barcelona, ​​comparing it with the 1073 preamps on the NEVE Genesys G80 recording desk. The frequency response of the J.A.K. AUDIO EL MAR preamp is very good, very clean and with clear trebles.

Of course, matching the right microphone to the preamp, is of Paramount importance!. We run the studio tests with the following Microphone models. AKG C414 B-ULS Condenser microphone, SHURE SM7, Dynamic microphone, and Beyerdynamic M160 Ribbon microphone. Surprisingly, when combining the M160 Ribbon microphone with the EL MAR Mic preamp, the frequency response of the recording, was barely distinguishable from a NEVE 1073 preamp recording.



The preamp includes a VCA that can be turned on/off in the signal path. The idea is to be able to apply the dynamics of a plugin, or several in series, for example the LA2A, to the signal you are recording. This is very interesting, because you could for example use the preamp as a BUS compressor, if you use an SSL Bus compressor plugin. Or as a filter, if you use filter plugins, or all together!!  The implications of the capability are very important. Often, it happens that you have to choose between a Compressor or an EQ or another 500 series module that has a combination of them. With the J.A.K. AUDIO EL MAR Mic preamp, thanks to its VCA Sidechain input you can TURN THE PREAMP INTO ANY PROCESSOR YOU CAN THINK OF as far as the FX insert section of your DAW allows you, and apply the Dynamic changes or frequency sweeps you make in your DAW plugin TO THE SIGNAL YOU ARE RECORDING, just as you would do with any other hardware 500 series module!!



Amplitude Modulation is the way compressors work. An audio signal arrives at the input of  the VCA, if it is a VCA compressor, and paralelly, the input signal is taken to a SIDECHAIN  CIRCUITRY  that generates  a DC signal that controls the VOLUME LEVEL of the audio signal going out of the VCA.

This is briefly explained, the job of a Sidechain circuitry, to control the output level of a signal. If it is too low with resppect to the threshold level, the sidechain will rise the level UP. if it is too high With respect the threshold signal, the sidechain with level the signal DOWN.

So, basically a VCA sidechain, READS  level changes and translates this changes into audio signal volume level changes. But there is more!. If a sidechain input READS the volume level of a signal, it can also read its Frequency Response. Think a moment about the typical Fletcher-Munson frequency response Graph, that you often see in Datasheets. Ideally it would be flat between 20hz-20khz. But in most cases this is not so, and the Sidechain input of the VCA, will read the frequency response of your DAW plugins, (if they are well modelled after the original units), thus the sidechain input of J.A.K. AUDIO EL MAR Mic Preamp will apply the Frequency or Dynamic response of those plugins, to the signal you are recording or mixing. This is often used in advantage in compressors, applying a High Pass Filter into the sidechain, to filter out the low frequencies of a Kick drum so the compressor does not react much abruptly to it.



  1. Connect a microphone, instrument or line jack to the preamp input, or the front instrument input.
  2. Connect the output to an input of your audio interface.
  3. Connect an output of your audio interface to the sidechain input of the EL MAR preamp.
  4. In your DAW, set up a MONO recording track.
  5. In your DAW, set up an FX channel track, into which you insert your favorite plugins.
  6. The output of the FX channel, take it to a physical output of your audio interface.
  7. Take this physical output with a MONO jack cable to the sidechain input of the EL MAR preamp.
  8. On the input channel of the DAW, configure an FX send to the FX channel containing the plugins.
  9. In case you use a MONO track with a Drum LOOP, for example, (instead of microphone input), on the loop track, configure an FX send to the FX channel that contains the plugins. Don't forget to set up a MONO recording track to record the result. (Point 4).



The quality of a great value Mic preamp

R.R.P: 549 Euros 21% VAT included.


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